Category Archives: Circuits

New Stompboxes and Effects – October 2013

Here are 9 more finished pedals. Lots of great sounding effects in this batch!

Posted in Circuits, DIY stompboxes | 20,054 Comments

New batch of finished stompboxes…

finished my latest batch of pedals, many of these have been on my board for months (they sound amazing), but I finally stopped playing them a few days to get them all painted. Here they are… First row (L to … Continue reading

Posted in Circuits, DIY stompboxes | 20,299 Comments

Some new builds I have done, other stuff…

Been a while since I updated the blog: I am still building many guitar FX circuits. Here is the board for a “Mad Professor Auto Wah”, which came out amazing, better than any auto wah I have used in the … Continue reading

Posted in Circuits, DIY stompboxes | 11,181 Comments

Flatline Compressor – circuit

The circuit for the John Hollis “Flatline Compressor”. I really like this one alot, it’s boxed up and on my pedalboard (and on all the time), need to paint it and take a pic. Here is how the circuit looked. … Continue reading

Posted in Circuits | 20,310 Comments